Stress is a fact of life no matter how successful you become. How you handle it in good times and bad is up to you. Here are a few tips for keeping stress and anxiety from sabotaging your success:

  • Focus on right now – Worrying about the past or the future can undermine your attempts to accomplish anything in the present. When you feel yourself growing anxious, concentrate on what you can do right now, and do it.
  • Identify your fears – Sort out your feelings so you know exactly what you’re worried about. Overcoming a vague dread is difficult, but once you’ve got a specific target, you’ll be able to find ways to deal with your fear directly.
  • Look for positive energy – Don’t hang out with people whose anger or depression spills over onto you. Find friends who support you and offer encouragement. Watch cheerful movies, and listen to upbeat music. The more positive energy in your life, the better you’ll be able to keep stress at bay.