Will the coming year be the one when you achieve all your New Year’s resolutions? It could be, if you follow these steps to setting and achieving your goals:
• Write down your resolutions – Make them specific; make sure you can measure the goals. Track your progress to that goal.
• Establish the benefits – Write down why you want to achieve the goal. List all the ways you will personally benefit from achieving the goal.
• Identify needed resources – Write down what you’ll need to invest to achieve your goal. Whether it’s time, money or something else, know what reaching this goal could “cost” you.
• Survey your knowledge – Determine what you need to learn in order to reach the goal. Will you need to take classes to learn a new skill? And what kind of information do you need access to?
• Seek assistance – Identify all the people who can serve as your support group. This may also include organizations that can help you.
• Develop a game plan – Set deadlines for achieving your goals. List specific dates on which you want to complete the various steps of the plan.
• Celebrate – Give yourself a reward for achieving the various steps in your game plan and a final reward for achieving the targeted goal.